Introducing Stacey Lake
Annapolis Valley - District Manager of Patient Flow, Annapolis Valley Health
Stacey completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Applied Human Nutrition with honours at Mount Saint Vincent University in 2009 and became a registered dietitian. In her first role was as a clinical dietitian in a long term care facility she was tasked with supervising a co-op nutrition student from Acadia University! Stacey describes this experience as both terrifying and exciting – it was going to be sink or swim for the both of them, but in the end they both learned to swim! Stacey also became involved with the Nova Scotia Dietetic Association (NSDA) and was elected as a Member at Large in 2009. This helped shape her as a dietitian and a collaborative health care professional and gave her the tools and confidence she needed to succeed in her profession.
In 2010 Stacey went back to school to pursue a masters degree. During this time she also taught nutrition to Continuing Care Assistant students, assisted with the university nutrition labs and worked as a supervisor in hospital food service. She also became the Registrar for NSDA, a position that she still holds.
In 2011, Stacey became the Director of Support Services at a Halifax Long Term Care facility where she oversaw the food service, environmental and maintenance departments. She also supervised two wonderful Mount Saint Vincent dietetic interns.
In 2013 an exciting new opportunity arose for Stacey. She became the District Manager of Patient Flow with Annapolis Valley Health (AVH).
Stacey continues to be amazed with how much there is to learn about the continuum of health care in NS. She is committed to increasing efficiency within the system both through her work with AVH and in her volunteer position as Co-Chair of the organization Emerging Health Leaders NS (www.emerginghealthleaders.ca).
Stacey’s favorite food?
Chicken Biryani
Stacey’s strongest supporter?
My husband and my Mom are pretty much tied for first place, but since my Mom has been there the longest, she might have the slight advantage. But I think you also need to be you own strongest supporter – if you don’t believe in yourself that you CAN accomplish something, you’ll never try it – and I think we all have moments we regret when we didn’t try something, so don’t forget to be your own biggest supporter and believe in yourself! You CAN do it!
Stacey’s next big goal / project?
My next big goal is to enter a submission to a professional journal about our patient flow undertakings at AVH - and I also plan to learn cello.
Wow! Sounds like Stacey will be a dietitian to watch in the future!!