Eat, Read, Learn
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Do you finally have visitors coming, or maybe you’re planning a trip somewhere outside your community?! Well, if you need any tips to share with visitors, NS Tourism has compiled a list of 10 Foods You Must Try in Nova Scotia.
I’m also looking forward to checking out some of these very intriguing NS Gourmet Dining Adventures ideas. What a great way to explore our beautiful province!
Research on our gut microbiome remains a hot topic. A recent study on dieting and its effect on the gut microbiome, published in Nature journal and authored by German and American researchers, may lend further support to the notion that very low calorie diets can be harmful. Their study showed an increase in C.difficile bacteria in the guts of people following very low calorie diets. This could increase risk of antibiotic-induced diarrhea and colitis.
Lead researcher, Prof. Spranger said: "A very low calorie diet severely modifies our gut microbiome and appears to reduce the colonization-resistance for the hospital-associated bacterium Clostridioides difficile. These changes render the absorption of nutrients across the gut wall less efficient, notably without producing relevant clinical symptoms. What remains unclear is whether or to which extent this type of asymptomatic colonization by C. difficile might impair or potentially improve a person's health. This has to be explored in larger studies."
Results from the current study, might even give rise to treatment options for metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes. These researchers are now exploring how gut bacteria might be influenced in order to produce beneficial effects on the weight and metabolism of humans.
Curated by Coleen Nolan, RD