Eat, Read, Learn
If you have a blog, book, or online course that you would like to share with your fellow network members, please forward information to Coleen at:
Well, here we are, locked down . . . . again! We have been so fortunate to have made it this far with far less COVID than much of the rest of the country. Now it’s time to hunker down again, and stay safe, take care of others, and make plans for when things open up!
Here is a link to Taste of NS Culinary Packages that will hopefully start up again once restrictions are eased. It’s also a good time to be getting seeds ready for your herb and vegetable gardens!
Do you want to advocate for a national school food program? The Coalition for Healthy School Food recent newsletter has a letter you can send to your food policy council, and also a link to a webinar describing Brazil's National School Food Program
Did you know May 3-9th is Mental Health Week? The theme is #GetReal About How You Feel. Name it, Don’t Numb It. Now, more than ever, we need to tend to our mental health as much as our physical health, in order to get through this pandemic. There is a toolkit, and other resources, online events, etc.
Curated by Coleen Nolan, RD