October's Buzz

The Latest Buzz
The links below do not necessarily reflect the ideas/beliefs of the DNNS. They are topics of interest to dietitians who work with the public and want to learn more via the latest Buzz.
Blogs- The latest news!
Excellent articles from Yoni Freedhoff this week. http://www.weightymatters.ca/2016/09/many-doctors-and-most-journalists-dont.html and http://health.usnews.com/health-news/blogs/eat-run/articles/2016-09-27/check-your-privilege-before-talking-about-obesity-and-personal-responsibility?src=usn_tw
Video: Should Vegans Take DHA to Preserve Brain Function?
Science news
Possible cause of Crohn's Disease linked to a fungus.
Nutrition in the North, never easy!
Nourish NS, great job!
Eating in Moderation?